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Assertiveness Training

Assertiveness: Get what you want without being pushy.

Learn to communicate with confidence for results. Think about the assertive people you know. Aren’t they the ones who seem to get others’ respect and cooperation while still speaking their minds? Now you can be one of those assertive people by using the powerful communication techniques found in this short training course.

Learn assertiveness skills that lead to increased self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment, effective tips you can use to communicate assertively with your boss, co-workers, difficult people, peers, auditees and subordinates. Learn how to:

  • Be seen as assertive rather than aggressive;
  • Open the door to positive communication without becoming the doormat;
  • Help others communicate assertively;
  • Deal more effectively with all personality types;
  • Be seen as a capable, confident professional;
  • Learn to stop, go and yield without getting run over;
  • Gain others’ respect using positive assertion.
Online: True
Cost: $695.00 per student.

Live: False
Cost: $0.00 per student.

Sorry!  There are no public classes scheduled at this time. On-line and customized, in-house classes only.