AS 9100D-ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Course


This course is certified by Exemplar Global and is now called the "ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Course With Emphasis on AS 9100D".

The IAQG OPMT ICOP Resolutions Log Revision: December 12, 2016 has discontinued the Standard 5 day Lead Auditor Course.

Resolution 126 now requires this course.

Suppliers and auditors to the aerospace industry can find critical auditing guidance in this version of our AS 9100D lead auditor course.

Designed for aerospace auditors and suppliers. this intensive on-line and virtual program features workshops tailored to the working environment of the aerospace industry, as well as discussions on ISO-9001, AS-9100, AS-9110, AS-9104, AS 9014, AS-9101 and applicable FAA and industry reports, rules and regulations.

Discussions focus on the elements that comprise a quality management system, including the quality manual, procedures and work instructions in the aerospace industry. Using ISO-19011, workshops and case studies illustrate valuable tools for audit preparation, conduct and follow-up.

Familiarity with the AS-9100 Standard is recommended. The course may conclude with a two-hour final exam.

The on-line and virtual participant is given case studies and workshop exercises that are effectively measured by the instructor and need to be successfully completed by the participant.

When the on-line participant comes to a page in this course that requires input, they need to complete the input page or the program will not let them proceed further.

The instructor communicates with the on-line participant on the input page content. The instructor may determine that the on-line participant must re-do the input page.

There are 3 modules. The on-line participant is not allowed to move on to other modules until they successfully complete the one they're in.

The on-line participant is given as many as 60 days to complete each electronic module.

Cost: $1,695.00 per student.
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Sorry!  There are no public classes scheduled at this time. On-line and customized, in-house classes only.


Sorry!  There are no public classes scheduled at this time. On-line and customized, in-house classes only.