Training Registration:

ISO 9001:2015 - Competency Unit - AU


This module 2 is for those candidates who need to obtain more knowledge and understanding of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard in addition to its application in the audit process.

This module is focused on auditing processes and understanding quality management systems.

Module 1 - Competency Unit - QM in addition to

Module 2 - Competency Unit - AU and

Module - 3 Competency Unit - TL together meet the requirements for Provisional Auditor status.

Each module is $650. The total for all 3 modules would be $1,950. If you sign up for all three modules you will be charged $1,695.

This is an online course!

Online instructions: Our online training site requires a modern browser with current software updates. We advise using one of the following browsers with our training courses.
  • Google Chrome Version 50 or greater
  • Internet Explorer Version 10 or greater
We strongly advise aginst attempting to use a smart phone or other small handheld devices for this training. Many courses will contain graphics that will be very difficult to view on a small screen.
Price: $650 per Student

Once the registration details are confirmed the student(s) will recieve an email with instructions on how to proceed with the online training course.


All our credit card transactions are now processed through PayPal

We use PayPal® for all our credit transactions. At the final check out view you will see the PayPal® payment button.

Note you do not need a PayPay account to pay using PayPal services just click the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button at the bottom of the PayPal login screen.

The registrations will only be completed once the PayPal payment has been confirmed.
Please send your payment and a copy of the email confirming this registration to:
Gladhill Associates International
8535 Windfall Way
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Phone: (602) 321-7702
The registrations will only be completed once the payment has been confirmed.
Please send a copy of your Purchase Order and a copy of the email confirming this registration to:
Gladhill Associates International
8535 Windfall Way
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Phone: (602) 321-7702
The registrations will only be completed once the Purchase Order has been confirmed.

Please insure all data is correct!

You may click on any of the sections above to make corrections. Note: To change Course, you will have to return to the Courses page using the Main menu bar at the top.

Please send your payment and a copy of the email confirming this registration to:
Gladhill Associates International
8535 Windfall Way
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Phone: (602) 321-7702
The registrations will only be completed once the payment has been confirmed.
Please send your purchase order and a copy of the email confirming this registration to:
Gladhill Associates International
8535 Windfall Way
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Phone: (602) 321-7702
The registrations will only be completed once the payment has been confirmed.

Once the registration details and payment are confirmed the student(s) will recieve an email with instructions on how to proceed with the online training course.

Thank you for selecting the PayPal payment method!

For your security the PayPal transaction will take place outside our website in a seperate window, on a secure PayPal server. Upon completion of your PayPay transaction, PayPal will transmit confirmation codes back to this webpage.

After you have completed your PayPal payment, please wait for this webpage to return an acknowledgment message, before you close or leave this webpage.

This step is critical, to allow our site time to capture your registration information along with the confirmation codes sent from PayPay.

Click the "I Agree!" button to continue to PayPal